Classes in JavaScript — then and now

And TypeScript too

Shirsh Zibbu
7 min readJan 4, 2020

Constructors and prototypes

The earliest versions of JavaScript didn’t have classes. If we wanted to model data as values-and-behaviors like in any other OOP language, we would create constructor functions for creating the object with the assigned values and add behaviors to the constructor’s prototype that would serve as the “blueprint” for the model.

function Human(name, age) { = name
if (age) {
this.age = age
Human.prototype.age = 0 // default valueHuman.prototype.speak = function() {
console.log(`Human: ${} | ${this.age}`)
const me = new Human('Shirsh Zibbu')
//> Human: Shirsh Zibbu | 0

The next we wanted was classical inheritance and it was achieved by simply creating an instance of baseclass and connecting it with the subclass constructor &prototype.

function Person(name, age, address) {
// call parent constructor, name, age)
this.address = address
// enable lookup delegation to `Human.prototype`
Person.prototype = new Human()
// fix `instanceof` operator
.prototype.constructor = Person
// method override
Person.prototype.speak = function() {
// call parent method
console.log(`Person: ${this.address}`)
// new method
Person.prototype.greet = function() {
console.log('hello world')
const me = new Person('Shirsh Zibbu', 25, 'India')
//> Human: Shirsh Zibbu | 25
//> Person: India

This works perfectly except for a few cases where the baseclass constructors need arguments to create an instance and might not work otherwise.

This problem was fixed when Object.create() was introduced. Instead of creating a new instance of the baseclass, we can now create a dummy object that delegates to baseclass-prototype and use it as the prototype for our subclass.

...// enable lookup delegation to `Human.prototype`
Person.prototype = Object.create(Human.prototype)

There is yet another way to set up the prototype for the subclass by using Object.setPrototypeOf() but it is not as popular. We don’t need to create a baseclass instance or even a dummy object to enable lookup delegation.

We can just set the [[Prototype]] of subclass-protype to baseclass-protype.

...// enable lookup delegation to `Human.prototype`
Object.setProtypeOf(Person.prototype, Human.prototype)

A slight detour from OOP

It is not necessary to create constructors and prototypes to model data in a more OOP like fashion. The idea here is to create a single blueprint object that holds default values and all the methods for a “model” and create a simple function that builds new “model instances” (simple objects that delegate to the blueprint).

function Human(name, age) {
// compatibility with `new` operator usage
if ( {
return Human(name, age)
const extensions = { name }
if (age) {
extensions.age = age
return Object.assign(
// blueprint for "Human"
const __Human__ = {
age: 0,
speak() {
console.log(`Human: ${} | ${this.age}`)
function Person(name, age, address) {
// compatibility with `new` operator usage
if ( {
return Person(name, age, address)
return Object.assign(
new Human(name, age),
{ address }
// blueprint for "Person" class
const __Person__ = Object.assign(
// enable lookup delegation to `Human.prototype`
speak() {
console.log(`Person: ${this.address}`)
const me = Person('Shirsh Zibbu', 25, 'India')
//> Human: Shirsh Zibbu | 25
//> Person: India

This style of modeling relies only on native JavaScript constructs — objects, functions, and prototype delegation. Too bad it never caught up.

There was some movement towards this unorthodox pattern but it never became popular. Instead, we got the new ES6 class syntax.

ES6 class syntax

The class syntax is the defacto way to work in OOP languages. It was only a matter of time that JavaScript received the same.

class Human {
age = 0 // default value but NOT on prototype
constructor(name, age) { = name
if (age) {
this.age = age
speak() {
console.log(`Human: ${} | ${this.age}`)
class Person extends Human {
constructor(name, age, address) {
super(name, age)
// can't use `this` before calling `super()`
this.address = address
speak() {
// call parent method
console.log(`Person: ${this.address}`)
greet() {
console.log('hello world')
const me = new Person('Shirsh Zibbu', 25, 'India')
//> Human: Shirsh Zibbu | 25
//> Person: India

It is important to know that all of this is just syntactic sugar on the existing system with a few differences:

  • Class properties (like age) are assigned directly on the instance and not on its [[Prototype]]
  • CLASS.prototype cannot be re-assigned, re-defined or deleted
  • A subclass inherits static members of its baseclass
function Human(name, age) {
this.age = 0 // default value but NOT on prototype = name if (age) {
this.age = age
Human.prototype.speak = function() {
console.log(`Human: ${} | ${this.age}`)
// lock prototype
Object.defineProperty(Human, "prototype", {
value: Human.prototype,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false,
function Person(name, age, address) {, name, age, address)
// can't use `this` before calling `super()`
this.address = address
// enable lookup delegation to `Human.prototype`
Person.prototype = Object.create(Human.prototype)
// fix `instanceof` operator
.prototype.constructor = Person
// method override
.prototype.speak = function() {
// call parent method
console.log(`Person: ${this.address}`)
Person.prototype.greet = function() {
console.log('hello world')
Object.defineProperty(Person, "prototype", {
value: Person.prototype,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false,
Object.setPrototypeOf(Person, Human) // static inheritance

Static analysis

Since TypeScript is a static extension of JavaScript, it doesn’t modify or remove any existing runtime behaviors but adds a few which are compile-time — types, interfaces, generics, abstract classes, and more.

One major difference in how interfaces work in TypeScript compared to Java is that interfaces describe the structure of an instance, not a class. That is why interfaces in TypeScript can’t have static members.

TypeScript interfaces describe the structure of an instance, not a class

When we create a class in TypeScript, we also get an implicit interface that describes the shape of an instance of that class (and any other object if we use it as a declaration type or as a cast/assertion).

interface Animal { ... }class Human implements Animal { ... }// equivalent to
class Human implements Human, Animal { ... }

Implements extras

In cases of inheritance, the implicit interface of the subclass will also extend the combined interface of the base class.

interface Animal { ... }class Human implements Animal { ... }class Person extends Human { ... }// equivalent to
class Human implements Human, Animal { ... }
class Person extends Person, Human { ... }

Static types for classes

Even though I said that interfaces describe the structure of an object and not a class, we can still enforce static members on a class if we want to. But it won’t be pretty.

We need to define our Person class using class expressions rather than declaring it. This allows us to use the Developer interface to describe the shape of the class itself. However, class expressions don’t get a “free” implicit interface. And to add insult to injury, we can’t directly instantiate our Person class because the interface describing its shape (i.e., Developer) doesn’t contain a construct signature.

After fixing all these issues, here’s what we get:

interface Developer {
new (name: string, age: number, address: string): Person
langs: string[]
class Human {
name: string
age = 0 constructor(name: string, age: number) { = name
if (age) {
this.age = age
speak() {
console.log(`Human: ${} | ${this.age}`)
interface Person extends Human {
address: string
const Person: Developer = class extends Human implements Person {
static langs = ['JavaScript', 'TypeScript']
address: string constructor(name: string, age: number, address: string) {
super(name, age)
this.address = address
speak() {
console.log(`Person: ${this.address}`)
const me = new Person('Shirsh Zibbu', 25, 'India')
//> Person: India
//> Human: Shirsh Zibbu | 25

You can check everything works on here TypeScript playground.


Here’s a not-so-simple setup for you to admire that uses everything listed in this article and a few more things. The code for this setup is here

